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Miercuri, 07 Octombrie 2020 13:07

IO1: Situation Analysis; Best practices analysis preparation of a Training Needs Analysis

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The principle aim of IO1 is to identify and analyze the current situation and best practices of the existence of cultural meditation in the post offices in EU countries and to provide a fundamental understanding of the situation of ageing caseworkers (formal/informal) needed for the formulation and design of a tailor-made Curriculum for Cultural Mediators. For this purpose, TNA Methodology and Analysis of the Current Situation have been selected. The results of these methods are presented in the following deliverables:

  • An Analysis of the Current Situation, including a Comparative analysis of the approach of different countries and identification of Best Practices
  • Training Needs Analysis Report



Read 2872 times Last modified on Miercuri, 07 Octombrie 2020 13:28