The principle aim of IO1 is to identify and analyze the current situation and best practices of the existence of cultural meditation in the post offices in EU countries and to provide a fundamental understanding of the situation of ageing caseworkers (formal/informal) needed for the formulation and design of a tailor-made Curriculum for Cultural Mediators. For this purpose, TNA Methodology and Analysis of the Current Situation have been selected. The results of these methods are presented in the following deliverables:

  • An Analysis of the Current Situation, including a Comparative analysis of the approach of different countries and identification of Best Practices
  • Training Needs Analysis Report



The key aims and objectives of ΙΟ2 are to ensure that a new curriculum, accompanied with teaching and learning material is going to be designed and delivered, based on the needs and the appropriate profile for Cultural Mediators. The curriculum was designed under a modular approach and by following the DACUM Methodology (Development A CurriculUM). Here, you should find a package developed to support training implementation.


In IO3, acquired experience and knowledge gathered throughout the implementation process of IO1, O2, Project Partners intend to facilitate the work of the postal employees with e-learning material via an online platform and a mobile application. The learner/user can find a webinar series addressing in principle postal employees needs, however other professionals from diverse backgrounds can access these training materials, tools and videos to learn about the ways needed to assist and communicate with immigrants. To reach out the training material, sing in the e-learning platform following this link

The aim of IO4 is to design and implement a mentoring scheme for mentors as cultural mediators in the postal sector. It will result in the creation of a working plan of action for an operational post office for migrants/refugees. The aim of these mentoring and counselling activities is the professional development of the staff in terms of further participating in lifelong learning programs and developing key competencies regarding the needs of immigrants. The hard copy that was produced after the scheme is a Methodology for Setting up a Mentoring Scheme.